Thursday, January 31, 2008

My Grandmaster Mal Tae Kim

Tang Soo Do Sabah

Hi again ....

I'm teaching Tang Soo Do in Sabah at Gaya Teacher Training Institute, Kota Kinabalu. There are around 20 students learning from me. The headquarters is at Beverly Hill Plaza area in Kota Kinabalu. Grandmaster Kim teaches there on monday, wednesday and friday from 6 to 8 pm. Check the association's web at

Why do you do traditional punch (the straight punch as seen practised by karate, tae kwon do, tang soo do)? When you are in real street fights, you do not use straight punch, do you? So why waste your time and energy? And imagine ... you have performed it for 17 -30 years. What do you get? real ability to fight? Powerful punches? Focussed mind? Ever watched MMA? Do the fighters do straight punch? None!!!! I've performed it many years ..... I've been in the martial art world since I was 8 years old ..... I've learnt silat (many styles), tae kwon do (WTF and ITF ..... plus the original one, Tang Soo Do, Yoshinkan aikido, Kung Fu, Yang Tai Chi, boxing .....).

Check to see how the straight punch is performed. Almost all the different styles' straight punch is performed like the one demonstrated by me in the web.

Hi. Welcome to my blog

I'll be talking about different martial arts in my blog ...... May be things to do with techniques, training methods, old and new tactics to defend yourself. By the way, I'm a fifth dan Black Belt holder in Tang Soo Do. My master is Grandmaster Mal Tea Kim who came to Sabah Malaysia 25 years ago. Although I'm teaching Tang Soo Do and have been training in this art for 17 years I also do cross training because I think no one art is a complete art because each one of the art has been created by human beings. Human beings do not know all and their art is only limited to the exposure that they have encountered in their surroundings. .... As Bruce Lee used to say that one martial art only a partial truth.... One master might say his art is great but another master might see weakness there and here. I'll write more ... probably I'll show some pictures ..