Friday, February 22, 2008

Saying of masters

These are what some masters say about martial arts training (taken from Black Belt, February 2008).

Study the most likely attacks.

It does little good to learn defensive techniques to counter moves that your opponent may never launch. Know how a street criminal attacks, how a mentally ill person attacks, how a terrorist attacks and so on. Seek that information from people who've been there.

By: Sgt Jim Wagner, reality-based self-fefense instructor

Explore your mind

Be clear on what you want out of the martial arts. Some people want to be a kicker, while others couldn't care less about kicking. Some want to do forms but don't care about fighting . Some prefer to concentrate on weapons. You have to understand yourself because to be successful, you have to develop the right mind-set. When I was competing, my mind-set was, if you were going to carry me out of the ring. I'd sayto my opponent,"You're fighting a losing battle already-you can't beat my mind."

By: Bill Wallace, full contact champion

Monday, February 11, 2008

traditional straight punch

When you perform the traditional straight punch you have to ensure the following:
1. Do not bend your body forward. Your body should be straight.
2. Look straight ahead.
3. Do not lock your elbow because this would cause elbow injury.
4. The out and in going fists must rotate along a straight line on their travelling paths. It's like a bullet travelling inside the muzzle of a M16 rifle.
5. Do not tighten your body and fists ...stay relax

Who would use the traditional straight punch in fighting ... I wouldn't .... In the fights that I was involved never once had I use this punch .... However, I think there are other benefits .... which I'll talk about later.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Traditional punch demonstrated by me...

Start from the Chon Bi stance .... relax and look straight ahead. Your body should be loose ... save your energy .. do not tighten your fists ...

Bring your left foot closer to your right foot (inhale at the same time). Once the feet are together slightly bend both knees. Pulled your left hand along your rib cage (see photo). Your right hand is placed in front of your body.

Push back your left foot to the original position (left). At the same time punch with your left hand. Your right hand should be pulled along your right rib cage. (exhale). You have to slightly lower your body.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Traditional straight punch

My students sometimes ask me the benefit and usefulness of the traditional straight punch ... I tried looking for the information on this technique but couldn't get any. Well, now lets look at the body posture when one performs this technique. The legs are parted to allow the body to be lowered. This causes the thighs to be almost in a horizontal line. You have to remain in this position throughout when you perform the punch. A begginer would feel pain along his hamstring and thigh areas. This means that the muscles in this region are being used and because of that they will be strengthened. Of course for advance martial artists they don't feel the pain anymore unless they lower their body more.

What other benefits????

In Tang Soo Do when you perform this punch you need to inhale before executing and exhale after. One punch one breath... exhale once. But for more than one punches then you would have to inhale once and exhale every time you punch. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. In a way you are helping your body to get more cleaner oxygen by inhaling deeply before punching and you are also helping your body to get rid of the carbon dioxide from the body by exhaling.

Other benefits?

The shoulder muscles would be developed and strengthened. This is because everytime you perform the punch the shoulder muscles would be involved.....