Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Traditional punches against modern (boxing punches)

Hi .... sorry for the long absence .... been very busy with life. Anyway this is the topic I've been thinking about. The difference between these two punches. Well... my poersonal view and analysis ... based on my experience in fighting and sparring .... I've never used the tradistional punches in any of my fights or sparring sessions .... you know the one which you walk towards your opponent and do the staright traditional punch. It's good to help you build your stamina .... when your're standing stationary and throw out many punches .... and it's also good to help you with the strength of your stand and focus. However, for my fights and sparring sessions I used the boxing punches (a lot of jab, back fist, combination of staright jab, hook punch, elbow). They are fast and difficult to block or evade. I'll talk about how to execute the boxing stlye punches later. These punches I learned from Master Mintarja Seongkono when I was in Canada in 1997-1998. THANK YOU MASTER.


Paul said...
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Paul said...

Sorry about the previous deleted post. I had to delete it because i felt i did not say everything that i wanted to say and that some of it sounded rude.

Boxing is not a modern sport or martial art. There are proof that they had already exist during the Greek and Roman empire. The so called traditional martial art such as karate, tae kwon do, kung fu etc straight punch does not have any evidence that people in ancient times would punch such as these instead of the so called modern boxing punch which felt more natural when punching.

Martial art that spar full contact such as boxing, savate, muay thai, mma, san shou and american kickboxing have the same type of punches, the jab, cross, hook and uppercut.

There is just not that much more ways to punch a person and all of
these martial art punch the same way when they spar. This may be because all of us have only two hands and the way we all punch will look the same regardless of style. It is also easier to remember only four punches and to drill them until it is natural to punch without any thinking.

It may be better to just practice these boxing type punches using the focus pad and heavy bag instead of the so called traditional punches because you would not use it when you spar and the fact that hitting the air is bad for the joint.

This may sound offensive but the problem with the majority of so called traditional martial art (wing chun, karate, tae kwon do, silat etc) that tried to spar full contact is that when they do spar, they end up looking like mediocre kickboxing when compared to people who are trained in kickboxing. People fight/spar the way they train.